Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pottery By Stephanie Smalls

The potters of our guild have been very obliging with pictures. We are pleased to show some of the works of another of our members : Stephanie Smalls.

A group of glazed dishes:

A hand built vase.

A raku vase: Using Horsehair and feathers.

A pair of Raku Penguins .

Nice work Stephanie.

Also: Further information will be supplied as I receive it. In April, we will be having a fundraiser at a local coffee shop which is opening on Christina St. in Sarnia. They will be selling coffee in our mugs - and you get to keep the mug. Here is a preview of a selection of mugs
we have on hand.

Some pretty interesting and funky textures there.

As previously mentioned - I will update the information as it is received.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More Photos

Carol Holmes-Kerr, who is the current president of Sarnia Lambton Potters Guild has supplied us with some photos of her pottery:

The first is of a raku leaf:

Foil Sagger Bowl

Goddess Pot

Raku Apples

Face Mask

Gteat Work Carol - as you can see - we have a lot of talent in our guild.

We hope to have more pictures posted soon, along with information on upcoming events.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Today I'm posting some pictures of pottery supplied by a couple of members of our guild:
(to see larger images, please click on the picture)

Condiment Complements set by Beth Turnbull Morrish:

"Maple Leaf" Majolica by Monica DeCampo

"Afternoon Tea" Teapot by Beth Turnbull Morrish:

Flower Majolica by Monica DeCampo

Both Beth and Monica use surface decoration to achieve wonderful results on their pottery.

We will be featuring more work by our members, and biographies (with pictures) as well.

Nice work ladies!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Empty Bowls

This post is from Beth Turnbull Morrish:

Second Annual Empty Bowls

Dinner Fundraiser - March 31

The Ceramics Department at Lambton College is organizing our second annual Empty Bowls event to take place on Tuesday, March 31, at Creations Fine Dining, the Hospitality program's own restaurant. There will be two seatings, one at 5pm and the later at 6:15pm. Tickets are $25 and are on sale now at Lambton College, in the Counselling Department, call Colleen at x3612, at the Inn of the Good Shepherd, and from members of the Sarnia Lambton Potters Guild.

At Empty Bowls events which have been held around
North America for almost two decades, potters create bowls, and local chefs create soups and everything is donated for the event. Each guest will enjoy a "poverty meal", of soup, bread and coffee or tea, and go home with their choice of bowl as a reminder of all the Empty Bowls around the world.

All funds raised go towards ending hunger in our community. Proceeds will go to the
Inn of the Good Shepherd and Lambton College’s own Food Bank. Last year we raised $6456!

Thanks to our generous community sponsors, last year 99.9% of the ticket price went directly towards ending hunger. This year’s sponsors include:
Lambton College, Alexander Mackenzie High School, Alternate Grounds, Antonio’s Pizza, Blackwater Coffee & Tea Co., The Brigantine, Canadian Linen and Uniform Service, Chartwell’s, Food Basics, GP Catering & The Panini Grill, Lola’s Lounge, New Trish Inn, Normand Piquette Catering, The Pottery Supply House, Sarnia Lambton Potters’ Guild, and Tuckers Pottery Supplies.

Beth Turnbull Morrish

Ceramics Professor, Lambton College

519-542-7751 X 3412

Sunday, February 1, 2009

All About Us

Hello to everyone out there in Blogger Land. I want to take this opportunity to introduce the Sarnia Lambton Potters Guild to you.

We are a group of potters in and around Sarnia and Lambton County, Ontario, Canada. There are approximately 30 of us from all walks of life and of all ages. We share one common passion - pottery.

We call ourselves the SLPG for short. The SLPG was started 3 years ago, by a couple of enthusiastic potters, Barbara Blackburn and Stephanie Smalls. Many of us attended classes at the local community college (Lambton College), but felt the need for more opportunity to network with other potters. After an inaugural meeting, and an enthusiastic response from the local pottery community, we were off and running.

We meet the third Monday of every month (except July and August) - usually at Lambton College to discuss local pottery issues, and learn new techniques.

In upcoming posts, we will share pictures of our work - and biographies of our members. We will also keep you up to date with the happenings in our pottery community